Lace Voyeur

Posted on February 7, 2011 by

Josephine de la Baume for Agent Provacateur

London, United Kingdom – As far as fashion films go we are often a bit bored with the predictability and lack of story telling but this season we applaud  Agent Provacateur for its in your face approach to marketing lingerie.  (I know, I know, is lingerie really fashion?   We consider fashion not to be just about  clothing but about creating an image so in this case yes it is!) The Spring/Summer 2011 campaign is shot by Johan Renck music video director. (Remember Stakka Bo’s hit “Here We Go Again”,  that song that we all hummed endlessly the summer of  ’94 – yep he is Stakka Bo).  In addition to Renck, the Agent Provacateur face this season is Josephine de la Baume, french actress, DJ, jet setter and all around hottie. “Watching Josephine,” a voyeoristic journey into apartment x, injects what could be considered sleazy with a bit of  “playfulness” and a wicked sense of humour.  The outcome is down right super sexy fun.  With an empowering message of a new type of feminism, they make us want to buy it all!  After all, who wouldn’t want to look fabulously glamourous underneath those boring duds you might be wearing to the office.

Source:  Telegraph

Watching Josephine